Visit us

Where to find us

Sheffield Air Quality Garden is located within Sheffield Botanical Gardens.


A map with an arrow indicating the location of Sheffield Air Quality Garden within the botanical gardens

When to come

Our garden took a break during the Covid-19 pandemic, so we will be starting from scratch in 2023. While our activities, including ground preparation, planting, and education sessions will begin in March, the garden will be at its best from June to September.



From March the 26th, Sheffield Botanical Gardens will be operating under Summer opening times. These are:


8am – dusk/7.45pm weekdays

10am – dusk/7.45pm weekends and bank holidays



A bell will sound 10 minutes before closing.


We offer a range of activities for school groups from KS1-4, run by the University of Sheffield School of Biosciences. These activities can be booked through the Botanical Gardens website, via the button below.